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Pitch Wars Team Interview with Jordan D’Amico and his mentor, Mary Ann Marlowe

Tuesday, 12 November 2019  |  Posted by Rochelle Karina


Our mentors are editing, our mentees are revising, and we hope you’re making progress on your own manuscript! While we’re all working toward the Agent Showcase starting on February 5, 2020, we hope you’ll take a moment during your writing breaks and get to know our 2019 Pitch Wars Mentor and Mentee Teams.

Next up, we have . . .

Jordan D’Amico – Mentee

Instagram | Twitter


Mary Ann Marlowe – Mentor

Website | Twitter

Mary Ann, why did you choose Jordan?

Romantic suspense is an uphill sell for me as a mentor since I have fewer tools in my skill box to offer than for contemporary romance. But Jordan’s project had qualities to it that overcame any resistance, and I kept thinking of ways to help him transform it into something undeniable. For starters, Jordan has an incredible voice which even comes through on these interview questions. There were phrases that caught me off guard on occasion and made me catch my breath. For Pitch Wars, mentors aren’t looking to say “no,” we’re looking for the reason to say “yes.” Every time, I set Jordan’s MS aside, curiosity kept dragging me back. I found myself reading it like the Dread Pirate Roberts, thinking, “I’ll most likely reject this in the morning.” In the end, I couldn’t stop turning pages despite myself. And more importantly, I couldn’t stop wanting to tinker with it. That to me is the kind of MS I need to mentor.  And of course, Jordan is awesome, enthusiastic, and so ready to dive in. I’m so glad I get a chance to work with him on this project.

Jordan, why did you choose to submit to Mary Ann?

There were a plethora of reasons, that when combined, told me, “You have to submit to Mary Ann. She is the only way!” I’ve been following Mary Ann on Twitter for a while and have always thought that we shared very similar senses of humour, which is always an important component for me. It tells me we’d jive well working together. More than that though, I looked at her Pitch Wars wish list and at that point, it was truly a no-brainer. The way she outlined everything and knew exactly what she wanted – it resonated with me. Most of what she was looking for, I felt, was bundled up in my MS.

Mary Ann, summarize Jordan’s book in 3 words.

Stalked by past

Jordan, summarize your book in 3 words.

Fame before blood

Mary Ann, tell us about yourself. Something we may not already know.

I recently discovered that Jordan and I share a love of travel. I think he’s been to more countries than I have, and his MS let me take a little trip to England. My current goals are to find a flight cheap enough to fly me and two kids to Paris for a week. It’s been my dream for as long as I’ve had kids to show them around Europe, but I’ve never found the time or the resources. Mark my words: I shall make this happen. Until then, I’ll write myself in the places I want to go…

Jordan, what do you hope to get out of the Pitch Wars experience?

I’ve spent a good twenty minutes mulling over this one. I know at the surface, what I really want is to get a well-polished MS that’s ready to query. But more than anything, I really want to get the experience that comes from working with someone like Mary Ann – to take her knowledge and her guidance, and find a way to put it towards not just this book, but anything I write in the future.

Oh, and new writer friends. Hi, fellow mentees!

Jordan, tell us about yourself! What makes you and your manuscript unique?

This is a lofty question, isn’t it? I was once told by someone that I need to brag more, which has never been my forté. But I’ll give it a try. I’m a 20-something publicist in Toronto, Canada. I really love to read (who doesn’t) and I call my mom and dad way too often. Anything I write usually comes to the page from a nagging idea that lives in my head and won’t leave me alone. Whether that idea blossoms into a fully-realized MS or lasts half a page, the goings-on in my brain can’t put for long.

What makes me and my MS unique? That’s a tough one. I have my own lived experiences, just like everyone. I can’t possibly tell you about everything, but I try to bring a piece of that to my writing.

This MS is #ownvoices, featuring an LGBTQ lead and supporting characters. I wrote it because growing up, I never had exposure to queer literature. I never got to see myself reflected in the pages I read. I remember reading my first M/M romance story and thinking, “Wow, this is intense.” It was a feeling I’d never gotten before from a book. I know that what I need to do is create as much as possible so that other members of the LGBTQ community can read books that see them, speak to them, and embody them. I think that’s what this MS does.

Check out Mary Ann’s latest release, DATING BY THE BOOK.

Six months ago, writer and bookstore owner Maddie Hanson was left at the altar. Since then, she’s had zero interest in romance—despite the fact that she runs a book club full of sexy eligible bachelors. But when her latest novel is panned by an anonymous blogger who goes by the name Silver Fox—and who accuses her of knowing nothing about passion—she decides to prove her nemesis wrong by seeking a romance hero in real life . . .

There’s the smoldering rock musician, the bookish college professor, and her competitive childhood friend who may want to steal her bookstore more than her heart. Even Silver Fox is getting in on the action, sending Maddie alarmingly—and intoxicatingly—flirtatious emails. And that’s not all. Her ex wants her back.

Now Maddie is about to discover that like any good story, life has twists and turns, and love can happen when you least expect it—with the person you least expect .

Available now on: Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Kobo

Thank you for supporting our Pitch Wars Teams! The Agent Showcase is February 5 – 10, 2020, and our next Twitter Pitch Party on #PitMad is December 5, 2019! Want to know more about #PitMad? Go here


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